
Archive for the ‘Teaparty’ Category

and if we like it when it does, then we will reopen this site.  In the meantime, please visit:

Constitutional Liberty Coalition              

Grassroots in Michigan

       Grassroots Header SMALL

Grassroots in Nebraska

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Oklahoma Grassroots

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Oppose Health Care Takeover Rally

Sooner Tea Party Logo

Hello, fellow Americans!

Well, here we are once again. We are calling you to duty. Some of our public servants haven’t heard us and don’t understand us, so we need to repeat it and repeat it and repeat it.

We have planned another Rally for all Americans who are available to join us downtown at 100 N. Broadway, Oklahoma City on Thursday, July 30, 2009 at 11 am. Bring your signs and your good old American spirit.

Where: 100 N Broadway OKC
When: Thursday – July 30, 2009 @ 11AM

Please join us in showing the rest of the country and our public servants that we oppose the government take over of health care. We need to make sure that our public servants in Washington , D.C. hear us, understand us and follow us. We, the American People, make this demand of our public servants, “You will hear us. You will listen. You will do as we say.”

We are like most of you. We hate politics, or we love it. We are very private people, or we are very open. We are self-employed, unemployed, an employee. We are retired. We are White. We are Black. We are Asian. We are Hispanic. We are Native American. We are a Melting Pot. We are a woman. We are a man. We are a mother, a sister, a daughter, a father, a brother, a son. We are a friend. There are so many other things that we should be doing; that we would like to be doing. But, we love our country. We love our country that we were raised to know and love. We are scared. We are so scared that we are willing to stand up, stand out and be vocal. We are so scared that we will continue to shout until our public servants hear, listen and understand. We are so scared that we will not go away until our country is safe. We are Janet Contreras. We are coming.

We Oklahomans are lucky. We live in a state where we do not face strong opposition when we voice our opinions. We are a red state. We are lucky because we are able to stand up, stand out and be vocal more so than Americans in other states. Let’s not waste our good fortune, but share it with our fellow Americans. Let’s show them that we are willing to stand up for all Americans. Let’s show them that we will stand with them or for them. Let’s make it easier for them to stand up. Let’s do it.

Be there with us,

The Sooner Tea Party



Permit rules:

No placards may be posted. (Inserted in ground or attached to poles)

No blocking sidewalks or driveways and no interfering with pedestrian or vehicular traffic.

No sound amplification in any form.

[Editor’s Note:  This is a bipartisan event and R3publicans endorses and will be present but did not originate the event!  Sooner Tea Party is a great group to work with and All Americans who care about less government would be pleased to be present and rally to show the media where they stand on the issue of socialized medicine aka Obamacare!]

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clcradioiconJoin Shelli Dawdy and Sandra Crosnoe on Blog Talk Radio

this evening on The Constitutional Liberty Coalition Gets Grizzly

as we explore Grassroots politics and current events!


RJHofficialavatarWe hope to be joined by RJ Harris a constitutional liberty candidate in Oklahoma CD04 going after RINO Tom Cole in 2010. He will update us on his race and the Sooner Tea Party rally this week protesting Obamacare.  Join us for updates on our recent alerts that were sent out via email also. We’ll review the status of Sotomayor’s confirmation, Cap and Trade, Socialized Medicine, and the Pass Act.


liberty in or out orig

Finally, we hope that Liberty Rider, Michael Maresco will have a minute to give us an update on his whereabouts and his plans.

He is there at the destination near the gateway to Alcatraz!


Have a Grassroots “tale” to share thoughts on stopping the Sotomayor Confirmation?

Call us! 646-915-9997

Tuesday nights at 8PM EDT * 7PM CDT *6PM MDT * 5PM PDT

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STOP Nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to US Supreme Court

Sotomayor hearingsPosition: Senate members should oppose her nomination, vocally.


Sotomayor has made public statements and issued rulings that indicate:

  • Lack of respect for the right to bear arms
  • Racial and gender bias
  • Lack of respect for property rights
  • Has indicated “empathy” is a higher priority than following the law


  • Made a statement that appellate court judges make law
  • Her testimony last week has troubling contradictions in contrast to her writings and the facts of her life.
  • During her testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, she showed a surprising lack of technical legal knowledge during some questioning, particularly in an interchange with Senator Hatch.
  • Has had a high rate of judicial error – 40%+ (her rulings were overturned)
  • Supports abortion through her statement that Roe v. Wade is settled law


  • We should oppose those who are not clearly strict constructionists
  • Supporters of the Constitution in the Senate need to start showing themselves
  • Members of the Senate need to put the President on notice regarding this and future nominees to the Court


Conclusion of the hearings process, no clear date available regarding full Senate floor vote


Gun Owners of America has been closely watching and researching this nominee, providing very good general information (beyond the Second Amendment) on their site.

GOA’s Executive Director Larry Pratt, was a guest on a special episode of the Blog Talk Radio show The Constitutional Liberty Coalition Gets Grizzly on Thursday, July 16 to discuss the Sotomayor nomination. Larry gave a good deal of detailed information about Sotomayor and why her nomination should be opposed. You can listen by clicking here.

Former Supreme Court Nominee Robert Bork made statements regarding Sotomayor and recent history on the confirmation process on Newsmaxx, Tuesday.

Wall Street Journal article on how little information was gleaned from Sotomayor’s testimony.



  • Maintain pressure on US Senate and House representatives (contact them)
  • On particular issues, contact your Governor, State legislators, county, and city representatives.
  • Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper
  • Forward this message to everyone in your contacts list


  1. Call the office for your Senator or House representatives
  2. Ask to speak directly with your Senator or Congressman
  3. Be sure to give your zip code so they know you are a constituent
  4. Be polite, but firm
  5. The next best method to a phone call is a fax, the least effective is email (make the phone ring in the office!)


bill of rights

  • Several bills currently moving through Congress, if passed, seriously encroach on states’ rights, and in turn will put a lot of pressure on county and city governments.
  • It is essential that our state governments assert their sovereign rights
  • Although State legislatures are not currently in session this is the period during which legislators have the time to consider issues that need attention, or bills they will sponsor.


Stop the Train Wreck(for more details/links on these bills)


“Health Care Reform” / Socialized Medicine

Several versions exist Was H.R. 676 now, H.R. 3200 (see summary article, linked)

Stated Purpose: To make affordable health care available to all

Position: OPPOSE


The PASS Act H.R. 1291

Stated Purpose: To better protect the security, confidentiality, and integrity of personally identifiable information collected by States when issuing driver’s licenses and identification documents, and for other purposes.

Position: OPPOSE


HR 2454 (2998) American Clean Energy and Security Act – Cap & Trade

Stated purpose: Reduce carbon emissions, achieve energy independence

Position: Oppose


S. 909 Matthew Shepherd Hate Crimes Bill

Purpose: Increases penalties for certain crimes committed against certain people, particularly based on sexual orientation

Position: OPPOSE

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By request, here are my notes from today. Thanks to the
rain, the ink was disappearing as I was speaking!/ru


I am not here today to talk about politics.

Let me tell you why.

For example, I’m not really interested in discussions about
this tax or that tax, because it amounts to debating whether
we should prefer a ball and chain around our ankles to a
yoke upon our necks.

In any case, as long as you are forced to pay tax to keep
your own homestead, you are a serf; the amount of such a
tax only defines the depth of your serfdom. Why do we not
hear impassioned calls for a “fair property tax” — which
would be none whatsoever?

The income tax forces you to share your profits with your
masters to further their own purposes. But even if you
object to the arrangement forced upon you, the property tax
says “you must work within whatever state profit-sharing
arrangement exists, or you will be homeless.”

Some people would like to tell you that one political party
or another, one political organization or another, or one
mass media demagogue or another is the answer. We have been
told this for as long as I can remember, for my entire life.

They tell you this because the last thing they want you to
realize is that the answer is actually within each one of
us. What we have been failing to do is to ask the right

I think I would receive much agreement here if I were to say
that stealing is wrong, regardless of whether or not it has
been legalized.

But is it wrong for the State, in the name of “law and
order”, to kill a man who resists stealing of his
possessions and furthermore refuses to be carted off to the
dungeon for mere defense of his property, with knowledge
that he would then both be in the dungeon and his property
would be taken to boot?

What about when the State lies about the value of a man’s
property, so that its self-interested taking of the property
can be spun as having come at less cost to the taxpayers?

Let’s go back a few generations with the “Ghost of Liberty
Past.” The economic historian Murray Rothbard wrote
extensively about colonial America, revealing scores of
events that have fallen down the public-school memory hole.

One such event is the Crown making a gift to William Penn of
what would later become Pennsylvania. The part of the story
that is not told is that it took Penn almost two decades to
successfully establish a government in Pennsylvania, because
the Quakers were not only not interested in political
government, but refused to consent to it, refused to
cooperate, and were otherwise incorrigible in their love for

Another event that has been largely forgotten, when it has
not been misrepresented, is Shays’ Rebellion. The usual
story that is told is that farmers got themselves into debt,
declared war on the bankers, and were put down by state
troops with merely a dispassionate interest in “law and
order”. Well, the usual story omits a very important
detail: the “debt” that the farmers accrued was in the form
of unpaid taxes to the state of Massachusetts to cover debts
the state itself had run up. The mercantile interests
behind the state government, who would have profited from
the taxes, raised the army that put down the rebellion, and
thereby kept the poor in servitude to the state-connected

These stories hint at the reasons why Thomas Jefferson said
a little rebellion now and then is a good thing. He didn’t
mean post angry messages on Internet message boards. He
didn’t mean go door to door and try to convince people of
the correctness of your political views. Nor did he mean to
provoke violent confrontation, as anger and frustration
tends to lead to. He meant intelligent, calculated
resistance to political power, together with your families,
neighbors, and friends.

Do you really want independence on this Independence Day?
Resolve to do like the Quakers did. Buy some fertile land
somewhere you wish to live, and as time goes by, buy even
more land from the surrounding areas. Sell plots within
your land to family and friends who share your beliefs.
When someone comes in from some faraway government
pretending to have the authority to order you around,
politely tell them to leave and not to return.

They are likely to return anyway — given that government
will have no other gods before it — but by owning a large
area of land settled with people who refuse their demands,
their attempts at controlling you will be like trying to
ride a bicycle through a bog. Your little enclave will be
successful at practical resistance where the single family
hiding out in a remote Idaho homestead would not be. A
thousand such enclaves would send Washington D.C. into
bankruptcy proceedings.

If you can’t afford land, then find economic independence as
soon as you can. During the bailout votes, there was a lot
of talk about “Going Galt”, which is to essentially stop
working in order to stop paying taxes. But, if you are
broke, the power elite will have their way with you, because
he who has the money makes the rules. You will not be able
to buy the land, tools, and other capital you need in order
to live an independent life.

My suggestion instead is to work hard AND pay no taxes.
There is a bustling community on Craigslist of people
buying, selling, and trading everything under the sun, with
no government regulations or taxes involved. Spend your
time when you are away from your corporate job in the
official economy learning to do something that is valuable
in the underground, unofficial economy. And if you have not
yet redeemed your Federal Reserve notes for gold and silver
coin, for heaven’s sake, do so while you still can.

Maybe one day, we the people will have the power not only to
vote for a new crop of legislators, but to do as the kings
did when they would dissolve Parliament and send the whole
lot of scoundrels home for a year. Maybe we will one day
have the power to live our lives in our own style, following
our own moral code even when it is in opposition to the
moral code of government.

But until that day comes, declare independence in your head,
and get busy living the way you want to live. Nobody is
going to do it for you. Declare your independence!

Ryan C. Underwood

[Editor’s note: We don’t have video from this event yet, but will post when/if available]

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Factoid #1: You are organizing local events and working very hard, but want a consolidated site for listing events and ways to be connected to others doing the similar things.  Some groups are trying to take credit for what you are doing, have their own agendas, are attempting to raise money from these efforts, and building databases of contact information.

Solution #1: A site that is run by the grassroots for the grassroots that doesn’t try to solicit for or capture the general publics’ contact information, doesn’t appeal for fund donations for no clearly stated purpose, and whose agenda is transparent.

grassrootsvsastroturf2-300x112We decided, with all of that in mind, to create Tea Party Grassroots.  Because we started from scratch, we decided to strive for a listing venue that would be useful to activists for many kinds of events and activities.  So in addition to a section for All Events, we have added the following categories:

•    Tea Party
•    Other Rallies & Protests
•    Conferences & Conventions
•    Media Events
•    Volunteer Activities
•    Liberty Rider Itinerary

Next we will be exploring creating listings by states.  As time allows, we are featuring individual events as a top post on the site.  Featured events are automatically propagated through a number of channels including automatic feeds on Twitter and Facebook.

We have employed a number of tools on the site that offer extendable functionality; Google Calendar and Maps.  Full calendars (by category or All Events) can be copied over to people’s personal calendars using the iCal (.ics) technology and map links are embedded. When events are listed, we copy the information over to the map and use a specific pin for each category. The map is located here.  Like the Calendar, the map can be copied over to a visitors’ own Google map.

In addition to the features noted above, we have a growing group on Facebook, which will be updated regularly and “bigger” events listed. For example, for July 4, a “national” Independence Tea Party Event has been created.   We will list links to individual location events for that date from the primary listing site (to prevent exclusion of multiple events on same date from occurring).

In addition to the event listings, we are providing some helpful information and resources to site visitors such as signs and slogan ideas, suggestions for getting involved, and founding documents.

Factoid #2: People are looking for ways to connect with others of like mind and work on projects together.

Solution #2: Those of us who have been putting these events on and bringing people together in our local areas to have an impact on swiftly moving events have many good ideas which we can share with one another. We all need input from others, and we all need support from those who have “been there” in dealing with the many issues that arise. We need to be able to communicate with one another, so we have also created a site for organizers and activists:  Tea Party Grassroots Organizers

This is the place where the listing form for submitting events is located, along with a form to offer to volunteer to help us with this project, and a form to submit a blog post.  We are adding resources on a daily basis to assist organizers and activists in their efforts.

We created a blog site, Tea Blogs: Tea Party Tales, specifically for organizers to share their stories and thoughts about the movement. A blog post submission form is available on the Organizers site.

In addition to the site and blog, we created a Twitter ID and Hashtag for Tea Party Organizers, TPOrg #tporg.  This is one id that has posts from the Tea Party Grassroots and Organizers sites automatically fed.  We encourage organizers to use the hashtag in communications with one another, and many have already begun to do so.

If used widely, this tag could enable very fast communications among a large number of people. Not only could we all retweet events and other important information for one another, but, we could also provide quick support when help is needed.

Finally, there is further work to be done in providing the kind of communications ability for organizers and activists for which we are striving. We do have a forum, which is currently turned to private (that means you cannot see it yet but if people are ready to take care of it that could be changed quickly).  We are currently looking at options, however, to be installed on the Organizers site, to keep communications all in one place. If you would like to help with this part of the project, let us know.


Now you might ask who is the ‘we’ in this piece.  Most of the site development was done by Shelli Dawdy, Joan Fabiano, and Sandra Crosnoe.  In a broader sense, many of the Constitutional Liberty Coalition had input and provided testing and insight all along the way.  Thanks to each and everyone who helped and continues to provide guidance and share with grassroots folks everywhere.

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Tea Party GrassrootsOccasionally something is so clear to me that I assume others understand. Then I find out that is not true. So to that end this seems very necessary to go over and may be old information to some. Did you know that there are those among us who are actually empowering those who would destroy us with time, talent, and treasure? Yes folks, we are complaining about the enemy and the enemy is in our midst. If we refuse to recognize the problem, how will we deal with the problem?

Is it easy? NO!

“A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” James 1:8

It means we must insist on a standard that other groups do not have. It means that we must challenge those among us not doing things properly. It means that we must examine our own hearts and repent daily and ask forgiveness of God and our brothers and sisters when we err. It means that we stand ready to rescue the one sheep who is being abused by the tyrant even when it means that others will look down on us for doing so. It means answering to the Lord God Almighty above men and the desires of men (and women too – this writer uses masculine for mankind with no qualms to PC!)

The purpose of this piece is to announce a new site that is born out of a need to protect the Grassroots. It will succeed only if grassroots people choose to engage and support and promote. It was worth doing whether that occurs or not because you will have been given a choice. You will know which choice you made and why.

TeapartyGrassroots.com is now online. At this incredible site you can find an event or list an event. The event will be published to a composite page and a master teaparty google calendar. We have also opened a page and a calendar for LibertyRider – Michael Maresco and his cross country ride with day one now complete and Michael safely in Trenton NJ. This website and calendar process has huge implications for our movement and the protection thereof if you will make it yours. If you continue to empower the national groups sapping your strength – that will be your choice because at least now you have an option. [Editor’s note: more sections to this project are opening daily including now: all events, teaparties, other rallies and protests, liberty rider days, conventions and conferences, media events, and volunteer opportunities.]

Please try it out and take your name off of the national sites who are taking credit for your efforts and trying to collect money from your grassroots constituents to do things that you may or may not agree with at all! I was recently at a meeting where a field director from a national group took personal credit for all the teaparties in Oklahoma. I personally knew that wasn’t true so do you think I believed the other things he claimed credit for? I am not saying these national groups are all bad – just must be reined in and monitored closely by real people who actually want bailouts stopped, the constitution followed, etc. etc.

I pray you will ponder these matters and understand the importance of proper action. Please properly empower the real servant leaders among you and rein in those who are plundering your efforts and sapping your energy to other ends. Please let us know how you plan to help by commenting on this piece here and sharing it with your networks if you are in agreement.

For Life and Liberty,
Sandra Crosnoe for
Constitutional Liberty Coalition

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My friend Joan – @apackof2 on Twitter – loves her country.

You know, the America of the ’57 Chevy, “See the USA in Your Chevrolet”, Mom, baseball, and apple pie?

She heard the song “American Beauty” and knew it embodied the America of her memories, so she asked a volunteer to make a Tea Party video for her based on the song.

An excellent idea with excellent results:

Joan organized the Feb. 27th and April 15 Tea Parties in Lansing, MI at the State Capitol, and is currently working on an event for July 4.

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Not too long ago several of us warned a few friends about teaparties!  Our strong recommendation to all involved is to be sure that your teaparty effort stays grassroots and nonpartisan.  We need to cut government and taxes big time and get back to our constitutional roots.  Many would like to co-opt the movement and call it their own, but no one owns us!

We are working with a group of concerned citizens around the country and want to guide you to a couple of tiny little grassroots efforts with huge implications.  If you want to be involved with us in a political way, please visit Constitutional Liberty Coalition on wordpress and  find other state leaders committed to the same goals.

But it you want to find other activists having fun and doing teaparties and sharing stories with each other – come to our tearoom and have a cup of tea and blog with us here.

Contributors are welcome to gather round and share stories and a cup of tea!

For Life and Liberty,

Sandie @scrosnoe

Shelli @stubborn_facts

Dawn @dawnwildman

Joan @apackof2

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